Wednesday, September 28, 2011

20 down 160 to go

Today marked our 20th day of school.  Although this is the smallest class I have ever had (currently 16 I am used to having 21 -22), I feel like I am further behind than I have been in the past.  My intent is not really to complain, but I need to vent before my head explodes.

Our first series of assessments are due on the 30th and I am nowhere near completion.  I still have to finish a 100 point math test, that has to be administered individually, and our state reading diagnostic assessment, again administered individually.  I have been attacking the assessments piece by piece and they are coming along, but it is difficult to get them done when I am supposed to be teaching.    

I am not lucky enough to have an aide, but we were lucky enough to get 2 of our intervention aides back to be shared by all grade levels.  We had 4 last year, but darned budget cuts eliminated those positions.  She comes in for about 1/2 hour every other day during our reading block and twice a week during our math block.  While I am grateful for the time she is there, I just can't seem to get a lot done.  Part of it is because I tend to be a bit of a control freak and I have a hard time letting go, another part is that 1/2 hour flies by when you have to do everything one on one.

Ok, enough of that.  On the bright side, my students are just about ready to start workstations.  I know most of you start before the 20th day, but I really had to take my time getting my students to follow routines.  Although many of them had some sort of preschool experience, they were not used to being in school all day and it has been quite a transition for some of them. I still have one little friend who cries on and off throughout the day.  Seems like I always end up with the criers :)

I am still trying to figure out how to share things we are doing and making sure I am not breaking any copyrights.  Hopefully if I do goof, someone will let me know so I can fix it immediately.

I am going to go stalk some of your wonderful blogs now and get ready for tomorrow and Friday.  Tomorrow I'm hoping to make applesauce with some of the apples we picked at the apple orchard Monday.  Friday I have to do a parent workshop on the Common Core Standards and kindergarten expectations.  It is the first parent workshop I have had to present.  I hope I have everything I need and I definitely hope I'll be able to answer any parent questions.

Wish me luck!!


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Someone is Very Excited!!

Thank you to Mrs. McCumbee for hosting such a WONDERFUL giveaway Mrs. McCumbee's Cutest Giveaway Ever!  I cannot believe I was lucky enough to win.  I have some big plans for my new teaching tool!  I'll be posting some pics as soon as it is packed and ready for students!

Thank you again!  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Little About Me

This is my 5th year teaching kindergarten.  I originally thought I wanted to teach 5th grade, but destiny had it's own plan.  After I graduated I was not able to find a position at the beginning of the school year so I started subbing.   My former kindergarten teacher needed a long term substitute and after a few weeks, another kindergarten position in the building opened.  The principal asked if I was interested and since it was a full day kindergarten I accepted.  I think he planned on having me move to 5th when one of the 5th grade teachers retired at the end of the year, but I LOVED kindergarten so much I asked to stay.  I have been there ever since.

I consider myself a lifelong learner so I was ecstatic to find the blogging world.  However, after seeing all of the wonderful blogs out there, I am very hesitant to try my own.  I have been stalking so many creative and generous teachers on their blogs that I feel like my head is spinning.  It is hard to believe I have been missing out on these amazing resources for so long (I accidentally came across a blog earlier this month while surfing around the web and I have been addicted ever since!)  Maybe I shouldn't have thought of trying this so close to the beginning of the school year.  

Time will tell if I will ever be able to share something useful, but I do know that since I chose a non-prime time to start, it will be slow goings.  Please be patient with me :)